1. Be careful of cold and warm
As the temperature and humidity of the climate and living environment change, the clothing worn by pregnant women and the electrical equipment used indoors should be properly adjusted. Pants and socks to avoid catching a cold, cold, or invading the joints from wind, cold, and dampness.

2. Work and rest
Moderate labor and rest are very helpful for the discharge of lochia and the recovery of muscles and bones. At the beginning of the postpartum period, when the mother feels weak, dizzy, and fatigued, she must rest in bed for more than half an hour, and the time can be slightly extended when her physical strength gradually recovers. The time is still limited to 1 hour to 2 hours. Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, which can cause back pain, back pain, leg pain, and knee and ankle pain.

3. Clean frequently
Hair and body should be washed frequently to keep them clean and avoid bacterial infection and inflammation.

4. diet
There is no difference in the first three items, but there are differences in personal physique in terms of diet, which should be different. Furthermore, postpartum lochia discharge, breastfeeding may not go well, or you may have a cold, headache, broken mouth, itchy skin, etc. Stomach pain and other diseases occur, diet and medication must be changed. In ancient times, due to the simple environment, poor living conditions, and no electrical equipment, the regulations were stricter, and there were restrictions on not washing hair and bathing for a month. Modern people do not have to work so hard, but the diet of confinement is still mainly warming. It is best to ask a doctor to make a more appropriate allocation according to your personal constitution.

Other notes:

1. Do I have to add wine to confinement dishes?
Confinement dishes should be cooked with ginger slices, as ginger has the effect of warming the uterus and activating joints; the function of wine is to activate blood and help to expel lochia. If the lochia has been cleaned, the food is still cooked with wine, which may cause The uterus does not contract, and the dripping is endless.

2. Ginseng boosts vitality, why is it forbidden to take it during confinement?
Ginseng tonifies qi and stops bleeding. During the hospitalization period just after giving birth, lochia is beginning to be discharged. If ginseng (Korean red ginseng) is taken, the blood halo will be reduced, and lochia will be difficult to discharge, resulting in blood clots stagnating in the uterus, causing abdominal pain, and in severe cases. There are cases where the placenta is not completely peeled off, causing massive bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the second or third week after giving birth, and the blood clots are gone before taking ginseng tea.

3. The effect of seasons on maternal tonic
Due to the large temperature difference between spring, summer, autumn and winter, maternal diet must be adjusted, otherwise there will be side effects. Generally, the traditional confinement diet is warm in nature and is suitable for winter. In spring and autumn, ginger and wine can be slightly reduced. If it is hot in summer, it is not necessary to cook food without wine, but ginger slices cannot be completely used. Use about 2 to 3 tablets.