Shanxi folk traditions
Confinement, the traditional Shanxi folk practice is: You are not allowed to get out of bed within three days, and you are not allowed to go out of the house or go to the street within one month, but you are only allowed to eat and live indoors.
During the confinement period, folks are more particular about taking good care of the body of the mother and the baby, for fear of confinement disease.

During the confinement period, mothers should wear more clothes than usual, and cover their foreheads with a handkerchief to avoid being caught in the wind. During the confinement period, you must eat in moderation, especially not to eat too full, as fullness will damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in symptoms that will not heal for a lifetime. In rural Shanxi, millet porridge, eggs, dried noodles and noodles are mostly given to mothers. Rice and other foods are rarely eaten.

During the confinement period, mothers are prohibited from talking too much, for fear of causing tongue disease; prohibiting mothers from working, for fear of causing overwork; prohibiting mothers from washing their hands with cold water for fear of damaging their joints. At the same time, it is forbidden for strangers to enter the maternity room, because they are afraid of "stepping on the birth" and causing the baby's disease. In the maternity room, even family members are generally not allowed to enter. Only the mother, mother-in-law, husband and other people who take care of the mother are allowed to enter. Even the mother's father and father-in-law can only meet after the mother is full-term.

It is customary for Shanxi people to take care of the mother-in-law or biological mother during confinement period. Now, most of them are taken care of by the biological mother. The birth mother takes care of it, and the mother is less angry. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is generally difficult to handle very harmoniously. If the birth mother and mother-in-law cannot take care of the mother for various reasons, the mother's elder sister or younger sister will come to take care of the mother from her mother's house and wait for the mother for a month before leaving. During confinement, mothers usually eat foods that induce milk, such as boiled pig trotters, pig tails, and crucian carp soup. The food eaten by mothers should be light in taste, less salt, and no raw or cold food. In the countryside of Shanxi, confinement confinement is a key point in life for mothers, and they must not be taken lightly. There are many folks who pay attention to it, and the purpose is one, for the health and safety of the baby and its mother.
The custom of confinement in Hakka people
After Hakka women give birth, they have to stay in the room to recuperate until after the full moon (usually 30 days). During confinement, mothers enjoy the most generous treatment: comprehensive service, good diet, adequate rest, and become the central figure around which the whole family revolves.

During the confinement period, there are generally three meals and three snacks a day. What you eat is more particular. First, it must be nutritious, which is good for nourishing the body, and it is beneficial to increase milk. Second, choose "warm, hot, and flat" food, fasting cold, raw, and cold food, and generally do not eat green vegetables. , eat dried vegetables. Among the foods eaten by mothers, the most common and distinctive is chicken wine (including ginger, chicken, and wine). Ginger needs old ginger, which is mostly used for boiled chicken and boiled eggs. Meixian people cook chicken in a frying pan, fry ginger, add glutinous rice wine, and cook it over a slow fire. Chicken wine should be eaten on the day after giving birth, preferably a big rooster (called "rooster") that can expel wind, dispel cold, remove blood stasis and activate blood. During the confinement period, Hakka women usually eat from ten to thirty chickens, more than ten kilograms of old ginger and more than thirty kilograms of glutinous rice wine.

During the confinement period, mothers do not do other housework except taking care of the baby.

During the confinement period, take a bath with some kind of leaves (such as longan leaves, maple leaves, plucked leaves, etc.) or water boiled by tree roots, which is for disinfection and expelling wind.

Contraindications during confinement period:
  1. Do not blow air, because postpartum qi and blood are weak, muscles and bones are slack, and wind-cold-dampness pathogens are easy to take advantage of the deficiency, causing colds, rheumatism, joint pain, diarrhea and other diseases.
  2. Don't wash your hair, it is easy to have a headache after catching a cold.
  3. Do not cry or read a lot for a long time, otherwise it will hurt your eyesight. Therefore, when reading, the posture should be correct, the time should not be too long, and the light should be sufficient. Do not read sad, violent or emotional content. The most important thing is not to affect the rest. , poor spirit.
  4. Try not to touch the water, and do not eat porridge, milk, juice, etc., or you will suffer from rheumatism or neuralgia in the future.
  5. Can not eat cold food. Because of poor postpartum physique, poor absorption of raw and cold food can easily affect the body's recovery and affect the baby's stomach through breast milk.
Hakka women attach so much importance to confinement, firstly because they "pass down the lineage", and secondly, because women are the main labor force of the family (in the old days, rural women were mainly engaged in agricultural production), they must ensure that they live the confinement pass without weakening their physique, Do not leave the root of the disease. Because of this, in Hakka villages, many women in their 70s and 80s, with strong waists and flexible hands and feet, can still engage in major rural labor.